The NEBOSH General Certificate for Health and Safety Competency
A key element of health and safety in a place of work is the competency not only of those performing tasks and possibly working in hazardous environments or with dangerous substances, but also the competency of managers. With the health and safety culture of a workplace depending to a great extent upon the commitment of the company's management, in particular the strength of the safety control processes and procedures combined with how strictly they promote and enforce them, management play a key role in the overall health and safety of those within their organisation.
Whether it is the workers themselves or the management, both will have their health and safety knowledge greatly advanced through attending and achieving a NEBOSH General Certificate qualification. The syllabus of this particular health and safety course contains a tremendous quantity of useful information on a large number of the most common hazards and dangers to health which are likely to be found in typical places of work.
For employees, the NEBOSH General Certificate will furnish them with a wealth of knowledge which they can put to good use when back in the workplace in terms of avoiding and eliminating potential risky situations. Being aware of potential problems so that they can be avoided is far more preferable than having to deal with the consequences of an accident or similar occurrence. One of the key objectives of providing health and safety training to staff members is to improve their competency and awareness of dangers and hazards.
As far as managers are concerned, attending a NEBOSH General Certificate course will enhance and enrich their health and safety knowledge also, which is imperative for when it comes to devising and implementing health and safety policies and safety procedures. They also need to be aware of their legal responsibilities with regards to the health and safety of their employees and other people who may be affected by the actions and activities of the company, including the surrounding environment.
Without investing in the competency of employees, whether it be health and safety or indeed any other areas such as interpersonal skills, customer care or sales training for example, the business will not reach its maximum potential and will have a greater chance of succumbing to a negative incident. Whilst it is tempting to cut training budgets during lean financial periods, it must be remembered that not only is frequent health and safety training necessary for keeping people safe, it is also a legal requirement in many countries around the world.