The Importance of Business Coaching and Motivation
Motivation of the workforce plays a key part in the success or failure of a business or organisation. It has long been a widely held belief that companies are only as good as their employees, and companies should utilise business coaching to motivate their employees wherever possible. Workers who are highly motivated will have a number of associated benefits which include:
Increased productivity and output. Motivated workers are far more likely to work harder and produce more. Productivity is different to output in that output refers to the total amount produced, which can be increased by simply employing more people, but this will lead to increased costs. Productivity is the amount produced per person, and so increasing this is what the business should look to do as it increases output without simultaneously increasing costs that would come with employing additional workers. Increasing the number of units available to sell from the same number of workers should result in more profit for the company.
Lower staff turnover. Workers who are not happy will often seek alternative employment elsewhere to find conditions and a working environment where they will be more comfortable and feel happier. Whilst slightly different things, happiness and motivation are often interlinked, so a fall in one will mean a decrease in the other. By having happy and motivated workers, companies are less likely to have to deal with lots of employees leaving, and the inevitable cost and hassle that comes with the need to replace them.
More idea generation and desire to succeed. Employees who are not motivated and are probably looking to leave the company anyway as soon as they can find a better job are hardly likely to have a burning desire to help it succeed and prosper. Conversely, those who are highly motivated and wish to stay for the long-term are likely to strive towards achieving goals and making improvements. Along with working harder, this can include coming up with new ideas and suggestions which can benefit the organisation in the future, such as an improvement to existing processes or expansion into more profitable niche markets.