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Useful Guides

Useful Guides by Pansophix

The Environment and Environmental Training

At Pansophix, we take our environmental responsibilities extremely seriously, so much so that we have a dedicated environmental policy which can be seen here. This environmental policy covers a range of issues regarding the environment including waste management and minimisation, energy conservation, noise control and travel which impacts upon the environment (e.g. pollution).

We are lucky enough at Pansophix to have a number of health and safety training companies as partners, who provide various accredited qualifications from the leading health and safety bodies, including environmental training courses.

Do you need environmental training?

Companies and organisations are having to be more and more aware of their responsibilities towards the environment, both legally and morally. As well as the potential to be fined or face criminal charges in the event of environmental breaches which break the law, the rise in the popularity of social media means that companies can find that their brand name and corporate image can be seriously damaged around the entire world in a matter of hours if they are responsible for a serious environmental incident, or are seen to be engaged in practices which are harmful to the planet. This dent to their corporate image can have a severe impact on sales revenue if consumers shun their products or services in protest.

All this means that employees with environmental qualifications are becoming increasingly sought after by organisations, to help them comply with environmental laws and operate, and be seen to be operating, in a more environmentally-responsible way. Also, existing workers are increasingly receiving environmental training as part of a company's health and safety training programme.

One of the most popular environmental qualifications is the NEBOSH Environmental Certificate. This qualification is intended to be taken by those responsible for managing environmental issues in their workplace, covering issues such as energy efficiencies, performing environmental impact assessments and implementing environmental management systems, effectively controlling pollution and dealing with any environmental emergencies that occur. Those who successfully attain the NEBOSH Environmental Certificate often go on to then take the NEBOSH Environmental Diploma, which is one of the most prestigious environmental qualifications available in the world.